For the Newcomer

Beginner's Meeting

Think you have a problem with drugs and not sure where to start? New to NA? Have questions? Join us for a 30 minute introduction to Narcotics Anonymous. We will go over the basics of how it works, and answer all your questions.

Mondays at 7pm EST

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 819 5172 0212

Meeting PW: 1212

"Is NA for me?"

This is a question every potential member must answer for themselves. It may help to read some of our informational pamphlets, starting with: 

Am I an Addict

Welcome To Narcotics Anonymous

For The Newcomer

"What Can I Do?"

Come to a meeting! If you feel uncertain or nervous about attending your first NA meeting, reading this online pamphlet may help:

An Introduction to NA Meetings

"Where are the meetings in Niagara?"

The Niagara Area of Narcotics Anonymous currently serves Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Fort Erie, Welland, Port Colborne, and Grimsby. Click below for a complete list of local NA meetings.

"I have questions. Can I talk to an NA member?"

Our volunteers are ready to respond. You can contact us via email or call us toll-fee below.
